Elan Portal

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Grain and Texture Collages

Yashua Klos Black Hand Holding Unidentified Geometric Object, 2010,
woodblock print collage and ink on paper, 66" x 63"

Inspired by the prolific and wonderful work of artist Yashua Klos, in this art workshop participants used colored images of wood and stone to create a textural collage filled with illusion of shadow and depth.

This is my personal blog, written and edited exclusively by me.  All content on this blog reflects my own personal views, thoughts, and endorsements, and in no way represents the views or endorsements of any third party, including but not limited to, my employer.

Bobble Heads...

Artist Dave McKenzie inspired this bobble head postcard project with his collection of limited time offered bobble heads. In this workshop participants picked out a postcard and head. The drawing of the head (drawn by me, Élan) was colored, glued to cardstock and cut out. A small spring made of twisty wire was used to elevate the head from the postcard and gave it bouncy ability.

This is my personal blog, written and edited exclusively by me.  All content on this blog reflects my own personal views, thoughts, and endorsements, and in no way represents the views or endorsements of any third party, including but not limited to, my employer.

Black Authors and Illustrators

The Studio Museum has been supporting and promoting Black authors and illustrators for over ten years. Books & Authors, Kids! was created to encourage young readers and inform them of books with all kinds of themes and message created by people of African descent. Books & Authors, Kids! has highlighted magnificent authors and illustrators, such as Jacqueline Woodson, Pat Cummings, Bryan Collier, Kwame Alexander, Charles R. Smith, Eric Shabazz Larkin, Shane Evans, Zetta Elliott, Lissette Norman, Ambre Anderson, Calvin A. Ramsey and many more...

Eric Shabazz Larkin

Jacqueline Woodson

Ambre Anderson

Charles R. Smith

Shane Evans

Shane Evans

Charles R. Smith

Calvin A.  Ramsey

Kwame Alexander

Lissette Norman

Pat Cummings

Pat Cummings

Bryan Collier

This is my personal blog, written and edited exclusively by me.  All content on this blog reflects my own personal views, thoughts, and endorsements, and in no way represents the views or endorsements of any third party, including but not limited to, my employer.

Postcard ART

Postcards can be used for so many different projects.
Folks have made postcard pendants, journey journals, enhanced postcards, sculpture, flowers, greeting cards and so much more...

This is my personal blog, written and edited exclusively by me.  All content on this blog reflects my own personal views, thoughts, and endorsements, and in no way represents the views or endorsements of any third party, including but not limited to, my employer.

TV Collages

Using television as a theme, create your own channel collage.
In this workshop we used the theme of TV, Black culture and
This is my personal blog, written and edited exclusively by me.  All content on this blog reflects my own personal views, thoughts, and endorsements, and in no way represents the views or endorsements of any third party, including but not limited to, my employer.